I've deep researched information about Sirui P-306 6-Section Aluminum Monopod. So, I guarantee that here is the cheapest Sirui P-306 with special offers you can't miss. That's why most people buy Sirui P-306 through this page.
Deals on Sirui P-306
If you are interested the best Sirui P-306, you must not miss this review of cheap Sirui P-306 6-Section Aluminum Monopod for sale. Click here to read Sirui P-306 customer reviews
Here are some of the great features of Sirui P-306 6-Section Aluminum Monopod
Sirui P-306, The Sirui P-306 6-Section Aluminum Monopod is a lightweight camera support that's ideal for extremely mobile operation with a DSLR, point & shoot camera, or a compact camcorder. For some situations, such as tourist locations where tripod use is prohibited, a monopod is the perfect way to fly under the radar but still ensure steady shots. The six-section P-306 weighs just 1.1 lb and folds down to 15", so the monopod is an ideal travel companion - compact, lightweight, and ready to be set up quic
- Supports Up to 17.6 lb
- Twist-Lock Leg Sections
- 60.6" Maximum Height
- Reversible 1/4"-20 & 3/8"-16 Screw
- Folds Down to 15". Weighs Just 1.1 lb.
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